2009年10月31日 星期六

Memory in Australia Working Holiday – Araluen Park

Near the farm I worked, there is a park, sometimes there were some festivals. Every time I came back from city, I thought I should pay a visit there one day.

At last day I stayed in the place, I decided walked there. I thought it’s not far from the farm I stay, but I’m wrong, walked about 2 hours, and I still don’t know how far it is. Luckily, a gentleman at age around 60, with his Harley, offer me a ride. Wow~my first Harley experience. Took another 10 minutes to a corner prior that park, save my legs.

The admission is quite expansive, forgot how much it is, but all I remember is EXPANSIVE. Anyway, I got one and although it’s not worth but the park is a really lovely place.

And, by the way, I walked back without any ride.....and yes, the road ascend.

A pond near the gate



A lovely tea house called Charlotte’s House, the beautiful purple flower is everywhere in the park.



Some trails





2009年10月2日 星期五

VirtualBox 網路設定

VirtualBox 的網路設定實在很複雜,不像VMWare 那麼單純,搞了好久才有一點了解,網路上很多資料都是舊版的,最後才發現,原來最好的文件在安裝VirtualBox 時已經放在你的電腦裡了。

VirtualBox 的使用文件上很詳細的解釋了所有網路模式的用法,它提供了五種不同的網路模式:

  • No Attached: 這個不用講,就是沒網路

    NAT mode: 這是預設的模式,Guest OS 把 VirtualBox 當作 route ,透過 VirtualBox 連出去,而外界無法連進 Guest OS.

    Bridged mode: 這個應該是比較符合大部份拿 VirtualBox 安裝 Server 的人的期望,可以連出去,也可以連進 Guest OS。在網路設定選擇 Bridged Network,再來要選擇要連結到那一個實際網路界面,這個要選對,我一開始就是沒注意到,所以一直搞不定。


    Internal mode: 讓同一個 host 上面的不同 guest OS 相互溝通,而無法連到外界。

    Host-only mode:這是 bridged mode 和 internal mode 的混合體,沒有仔細研究。

我用 Bridged mode,連結的實體網卡設為 Wired NIC,將 Guest OS 虛擬網卡,Host OS 實體網卡,以及 device 的 IP 都設為靜態 IP,並且設為同一個網域。這樣就可以互相溝通了。網路上一堆說明要用到 uml-util 和 bridge-util ,選 Bridged mode 似乎不用做這些,雙向的網路都可以通。